Orlando Montessori Bilingual Academy
5 Ways to Live a Montessori Life
Nido Marketing • July 27, 2020

The more we learn about Montessori, the more it tends to seep its way into all aspects of our lives. We find ourselves seeing the world just a little bit differently, and the changes are so positive! This week we thought we would share five simple ways to live a life guided by Montessori values. (You may be surprised to find how closely this aligns to what you already do!)

The quotes throughout this article are those of Dr. Montessori herself.

1. Prepare Yourself

“The real preparation for education is the study of one’s self. The training of the teacher is something far more than the learning of ideas. It includes the training of character; it is a preparation of the spirit.”

Montessori believed that before a teacher could be effective, they needed to rid themselves of preconceived ideas, take a genuine interest in studying the world and the universe, and look inward to ignite change. Since the parents are a child’s first and most influential teachers, this idea extends beyond the classroom. Some helpful questions we might all revisit from time to time:

  • Do we let our children see us as readers? Do they know we read not just out of necessity, but for pleasure as well?
  • Do we approach elements of parenting and learning in certain ways because it’s the way we experienced them when we were younger, or do we take the time to consider other methods and ideas?
  • Have we taken the time to put on our figurative airplane oxygen mask? Are we physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to show up for others (including our children)?
  • Do we live with a sense of curiosity and wonder? It can be easy to fall into ruts with work and life, but are we remembering to stop and really appreciate the world around us?

2. Prepare the Environment

“The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.”

“Plainly, the environment must be a living one, directed by a higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared for his mission.”
You already know that Montessori guides put great effort into creating beautiful, functional learning environments that foster growth and independence. You have likely already tried to implement little tweaks to your home environment. It may not come as a surprise to learn that this is an ever-evolving process. Your home should function to serve the needs of everyone who shares it. Whether your home is any combination of infants, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, and seniors, everyone has different interests and needs. Our advice? Start to notice how your family interacts with the home environment and what can be done to ensure everyone can be as independent as it is possible for them to be. Make changes as the people change.

  • Access to food and drink
  • Access to personal hygiene items
  • Furniture that is suited to various individuals
  • Lighting that allows for different activities
  • Organization, minimalism, and aesthetic

3. Understand Human Development

“Education should not limit itself to seeking new methods for a mostly arid transmission of knowledge: its aim must be to give the necessary aid to human development… If ‘the formation of man’ becomes the basis of education, then the coordination of all schools from infancy to maturity, from nursery to university, arises as a first necessity: for man is a unity, an individuality that passes through interdependent phases of development. Each preceding phase prepares the one that follows, forms its base, nurtures the energies that urge towards the succeeding period of life.”

Okay, so this is a tall order. What we can say is empathy goes a long way. Sometimes we stop and remind ourselves that every child is exactly the way they are for a reason. This applies to pretty much every situation and goes for adults as well. Our biology and life experiences shape our behavior, and each stage of life builds a foundation for the next. Every skill learned helps prepare us for another. Every relationship we form develops our social understanding of the world. Want to learn more about children’s development? Read about Montessori’s Planes of Development.

4. Consider a Global Perspective

“This is education, understood as a help to life; an education from birth, which feeds a peaceful revolution and unites all in a common aim, attracting them as to a single center. Mothers, fathers, politicians: all must combine in their respect and help for this delicate work of formation, which the little child carries on in the depth of a profound psychological mystery, under the tutelage of an inner guide. This is the bright new hope for mankind.”

“The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.”

As Montessorians, our teaching is based on the idea that we are all interconnected. And by we all, we mean not just humans, but all living things across the planet, as well as the environment itself. If we consider this perspective it’s easy to see how critical it is for us to all be united. To raise ourselves up as a species we must join together to work toward common goals, and we believe that children are the best inspiration to do so.

Each human being is unique, but we are so much more when we think about our connections to each other and to the Earth.

5. Truly Embrace Individuality

“Free choice is one of the highest of all the mental processes.”

“No adult can bear a child’s burden or grow up in his stead.”

“It is not in human nature for all men to tread the same path of development, as animals do of a single species.”

When our children are born they rely so heavily on us for every aspect of their care. Our instincts to protect them are fiercely powerful, and we all want them to have every possible advantage in life. This is a good thing; children need people who are always in their corner, ready to support them no matter what.


We must learn to master the delicate balance of slowly guiding them toward independence. We want our children to be able to do things for themselves, and they are capable of so much. We must also remember to let them be who they are meant to be,
not who we imagine them to be. The only person who can determine the path of one’s life is that person themselves. As parents and teachers, our most important task is to support the journey.

As we often tell our students, it all boils down to three simple guiding principles: care for yourself, care for the environment, and care for others. Here’s to a lifetime of Montessori!

A woman is using a calculator while a man is writing in a notebook.
By Nido Marketing September 19, 2022
Adolescents exist between two worlds: they are no longer children but they aren’t yet adults. On this bridge to adulthood, adolescents need opportunities to develop real, meaningful, adult-level skills. They aspire to do what adults do. They are curious about how to make their own way in the adult world. As adults, we are part of an economic system. Even if we aren't using money to buy something, through our work or our hobbies we produce or consume aspects of culture. In this way, economics is about the web of interdependence we have with other people. We all depend upon the work and activity of others.  Economics and Interactions If we look at economics as how people offer value in their interactions, as well as the production, distribution, and consumption of services and goods, we can really think about economics as how we organize ourselves in society. Because adolescents are building the skills for stepping into the adult world, it’s important to consider how they are developing their ability to navigate this economic aspect of adult life. How many of us had the opportunity, as adolescents, to develop the skills necessary for economic independence? How would our lives be different if, as adolescents, we had a support system so we could Oigure out a fair and reasonable cost for goods we produced, faced the reality of a proOit and loss statement, or found our way in navigating the paths of spending, saving, and sharing? Road to Achieving Economic Independence Dr. Maria Montessori realized the importance of adolescents developing these kinds of skills. In From Childhood to Adolescence, Dr. Montessori made a bold statement about our approach to education and its impact on the greater society. She stated it clearly: “The essential reform is this: to put the adolescent on the road to achieving economic independence.” So in Montessori adolescent programs, we offer our emerging young adults the opportunity to learn key skills of production and exchange. We sometimes call this “microeconomy.” The basic idea is that adolescents need opportunities to produce goods and services, and work with money and monetary systems, so they can develop an understanding and appreciation for how economies work and their own role in economic systems. Real, Meaningful, and Purposeful Work This experience can take many different forms depending upon the community. Whether running a farm stand or a holiday marketplace, adolescents get to learn key skills. They learn to balance proOit and loss. They discuss and determine how much money should be reinvested into the business to help it grow or how much money should be reinvested in the greater community. They respectfully listen to their customers’ needs and concerns and incorporate that feedback in useful ways. In order to have these learning experiences, adolescents need real, meaningful, and purposeful work. Just like young children need to actually prepare food rather than play with a pretend kitchen set, adolescents need actual experiences in creating a business plan, keeping track of income on a spreadsheet, and balancing a budget. They need to practice accounting work so they can build the skills for their own economic independence. They need to have the thrill of handfuls of cash and then face the responsibility of keeping track of those earnings. They need the experience of paying for replacement materials when they have overused key supplies. If they have developed some savings and want to invest the money, they need to Oind opportunities that align with their values. Preparing for Adult Life Too many of our young people enter the world of adult lives without having experienced their role in an economy (perhaps other than being consumers!). Economic independence is a key part of preparing for adult life. We want our adolescents to step into maturity with conOidence that they can independently navigate their new responsibilities and roles. If we give adolescents the opportunity to learn how to have a sound basis for their economic decisions, imagine where they will be when they are adults and making decisions that affect broader aspects of society!
A boy and a girl are playing with a green sweater.
By Nido Marketing September 5, 2022
In Montessori, we talk a lot about independence. However, one of the lesser known or understood aspects of Montessori is that independence isn’t the end goal. As humans, we are each wonderful, unique individuals. But we don’t exist in isolation. We live amongst other wonderful, unique individuals! In order to effectively live in community with other people, though, we need to be able to function independently. Said another way, before we can offer help to others or make ourselves useful, we need to be able to meet our own needs. How can we be independent and interdependent at the same time? We all want to make choices for ourselves, exercise our liberty, and be responsible for our own lives. At the same time, we also want to be part of something. We are designed to be both independent and be in community. These two needs are not mutually exclusive, but in fact, operate in relationship to each other. We have an innate desire to be autonomous and to belong. When we develop the ability to act for ourselves, make choices, control ourselves, and accept responsibility, we are able to be functioning, contributing members of society. We can see what needs doing and do it because we have the skills to do so. We can work with others to create solutions or produce goods and services. We can be part of a community by acting and taking responsibility for our actions, each able to contribute because we all have the skills to do so. What does this have to do with children and Montessori education? From a very young age, children are trying to exert control over their lives. Children are trying to gain functional independence from birth to about age three. In Montessori classrooms, we offer all sorts of opportunities for young children to develop skills that help them take care of their basic needs. But we don’t stop there! We also provide so many ways children can care for others and for their surroundings. Once children have mastered pouring from one pitcher to another, they are able to pour water into a vase and arrange flowers to beautify the classroom. After they learn how to sweep, they are quick to notice a spill and rush to get the dustpan and dust brush so they can help. When someone is struggling to zip their jacket, they take pride in sharing their newfound skill in service to someone else’s need. As children move into the elementary years, this service to others often takes on a slightly different form, in part because elementary-age children are developing their intellectual independence. Thus, their contribution often involves applying these newfound intellectual skills. They might notice a classmate struggling to figure out the steps in a math problem and offer support. Or when friends are in conflict, they might provide some mediation to help each party listen to the others’ perspective. In adolescence, young adults are ready to work toward being socially and economically independent. They want to figure out their place in society, grapple with real problems, and contribute in a useful way. Thus, Montessori adolescent programs offer teens the chance to develop and feel secure in their own abilities while also collaborating in real and meaningful social endeavors. In the process of running a small business, for example, adolescents are applying their intellectual skills from marketing to mathematics, while also navigating how to communicate with customers and collaborate with classmates. Why is this important?  As humans, we want to achieve independence and belonging. Being independent is about learning the skills to be able to contribute in a meaningful way. All the little conquests of independence–throughout each age and stage of development–matter! When our infant reaches to grasp an object, our two-year-old demands to put their shirt on themselves, our eight-year-old argues about just and fair rules of a game, or our adolescent insists they can solve a problem with their peers, we can remember that these acts of independence are laying a foundation for our children to become part of an interdependent, harmonious society. Independence is just a step. Interdependence is the ultimate goal.
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