Orlando Montessori Bilingual Academy

Upper Elementary Program

An academic program for students aged 9 to 12 years old.

This program is offered at our Orlando location.

The upper elementary Montessori program is designed for children aged 9 to 12 years old, encompassing grades 4 to 6 in a classroom school setting. This phase builds upon the foundation laid in the lower elementary program and continues to focus on holistic development, independent learning, and real-world application of knowledge. Below are some key characteristics and components of the upper elementary Montessori program.

Integrated and Expansive Curriculum

The upper elementary Montessori curriculum further deepens interdisciplinary connections across subjects like language arts, mathematics, sciences, history, geography, cultural studies, and the arts. Children engage in advanced projects that require critical thinking, research, analysis, and creative problem-solving skills.

Independent Research and Exploration

Students in the upper elementary program are encouraged to pursue independent research projects, delve into deeper investigations, and explore topics of personal interest. Teachers facilitate the research process, guide students in developing questions, and support them in synthesizing information from various sources.

Collaborative Learning and Peer Mentoring

Just like in the lower elementary program, the upper elementary Montessori environment continues to embrace multi-age classrooms, promoting peer collaboration, mentorship, and cooperative learning. Older students take on leadership roles, assisting younger peers and fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Outdoor Education and Experiential Learning

Upper elementary Montessori programs often incorporate outdoor education, nature studies, field trips, and hands-on experiences to enhance classroom learning. Students participate in environmental stewardship projects, outdoor experiments, and community service initiatives to deepen their connection with the natural world.

Development of Critical Thinking and Life Skills

The upper elementary program emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, research abilities, time management, organization, and effective communication. Children engage in debates, presentations, and projects that foster analytical thinking, problem-solving, and independent decision-making.

Real-World Application and Entrepreneurship

Upper elementary Montessori programs may include opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. Project-based assignments, entrepreneurial ventures, and community partnerships provide students with authentic learning experiences that prepare them for life beyond the classroom.

Overall, the upper elementary Montessori program aims to empower students to become independent, lifelong learners who are equipped with essential skills, knowledge, and values to succeed in a rapidly changing world. By fostering curiosity, self-motivation, collaboration, and a sense of global citizenship, the program prepares students to navigate academic challenges, embrace diverse perspectives, and make meaningful contributions to society.

Parent Reviews

OMBA is an amazing school that helps children develop a love of learning while reaching their full potential. My child started here speaking no Spanish, and is excelling!

 — Jenna M

Montessori is much more than a school for my child and I. It’s a second home (if not a 1st) where she can freely be her and express herself in every aspect of hile also accepting and learning about others. That is thanks to the vision they carry of inclusion and freedom. I always recommend OMBA bc there’s something special about a school tailored to your child’s needs and that the child begs to be there bc they feel love and in a great environment. I could go in and on but in a few words, OMBA is worth the drive and investment in my child’s life!

 — Anna Smith

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a tour. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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